Councillor Horneck provides an update on the signalized crosswalk and cross-ride on Rathburn.
We have requested changes to eight local streets in Ward 6 to help improve traffic. There will be several new signs and road markings.
Concerned about tall grass and weeds on a neighbour's lawn or even on City property? Learn more about grass cutting and how to request action.
The City of Mississauga has been working hard to improve our Forestry Services. We have been clearing tree replacement backlogs and we've updated our interactive tree map so you can better track a Forestry service request.
Here is how the city manages it salt use to clear snow and tips on how you can help.
Going past speed limits is always dangerous, no matter the situation, even just 20km/h above the limit drastically lowers your odd of survival. So, The City of Mississauga has adopted the VisionZero goal to completely eliminate roadway fatalities and injuries.