The City of Mississauga has made traffic safety a priority. Through increased enforcement, reduced speed limits and new physical traffic calming measures, we are addressing local neighbourhood pedestrian, cyclist, and driver safety issues throughout Mississauga. An extensive review process identifies roadways to receive physical traffic calming measures. White Clover Way has been prioritized as a location that would benefit from the installation of traffic calming measures.
What Is Traffic Calming?
Traffic calming consists of physical measures, such as raised intersections, speed cushions, lane markings and traffic bollards, used to reduce speed and aggressive driving.
Traffic calming measures used alone or in various combinations can be effective in reducing vehicle speeds, redirecting traffic coming from outside the neighbourhood and reducing conflicts between different types of street users.
Where are the traffic calming features (devices) being proposed?
Traffic calming devices are proposed on White Clover Way between Trailmaster /Sandford Farm and Willow Creek Drive.

Learn more about Mississauga traffic calming here:
Provide your feedback via the White Clover survey link below:
Project Updates
Councillor Horneck and City Staff, held a public meeting on January 11th. You can still sign-up for project updates below:
In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact us at joe.horneck@mississauga.ca.