Did you know that, in addition to calling 311 or our office, the City maintains a system for reporting concerns directly to the department that deals with those issues? You can directly report a large number of matters including uncut grass, excessive noise, dead trees, illegal fireworks, littering, damaged sod and much more.
Specific Concerns
If your concern is listed below, the quickest way to get action by the City is to click its link.
Please note that in many cases, you will be asked the street address of where the issue has occurred. Sometimes, you will be given the opportunity to provide photos. Photos can speed action by helping immediately identify the best course of action to address your concern.
We recommend using the links below and contacting our Ward 6 office later if you feel your issue has not been addressed.
- Abandoned shopping cart: private property
- Abandoned shopping cart: public property
- Bicycle parking damage
- Catch-basin problem
- Culvert or headwall problem
- Curb damage
- Damaged traffic sign
- Dead or damaged sod
- Ditch problem
- Driveway that is too wide
- Encroachment on parkland
- Encroachment on waterways
- Excessive noise
- Excessive salt at MiWay locations
- Fireworks
- Graffiti
- Home auto repair business
- Illegal sign
- Littering or dumping
- Missing municipal address number
- MiWay issues
- Nuisance lighting
- Nuisance weeds and tall grass
- Park garbage bin overflow
- Parking offence in residential area
- Park sports field damage
- Park walkways and trail damage
- Park washroom damage
- Pavement markings
- Potholes and road damage
- Property standard concerns
- Sidewalk damage
- Street debris
- Streetlight outage
- Taxi or limo complaint
- Traffic light timing problem
- Tree- dead or unhealthy
- Tree – damaged or unsafe
Permits and Licences
For other issues, you may contact the City in one of several ways:
- Anniversary certificate
- Birthday certificate
- Building permit
- Clock tower lighting
- Dispute by-law violation ticket
- Jobs at the City
- Marriage – civil ceremony
- Marriage – licence
- New or replacement tree
- Parking – dispute ticket
- Parking – boulevard/overnight
- Parking – temporary permit
- Picnic permit
- Photography permit
- Pool enclosure permit
- Reduction or refund of taxes
- Speak at Council or Committee meeting
- Tax assistance for residents
- Tree debris clean up
- Tree ownership inspection
- Tree pruning
- Tree stump removal
- Register a second unit
- Request a burial
- Request a flat marker or monument
- Review of stormwater assessment
- Subsidy for outdoor maintenance
Other Issues
For other issues, you may contact the City in one of several ways:
- By phone: 311
- By email: public.info@mississauga.ca
- Online: General Inquiry Form
Also, you can contact the following departments with general inquiries:
- Recreation and Sports: Phone – 905-615-4100. Email – active@mississauga.ca.
- River Grove Community Centre: Phone – 905-615-4780.
- MiWay: Phone – 905-615-4636. Email – miwayhelps@mississauga.ca. Online – Form
- Libraries: Phone – Phone – 905-615-3500. Email – support.library@mississauga.ca.
We also maintain a list of online fee and expense payments along with the permits/reporting: