Have you ever considered speaking to Council or our Committees? We’re here to tell you how. There are two ways to connect — by giving a presentation or asking as a question. Each plays a different role and has different requirements. 


If you’re looking to present a new idea to the Mississauga City Council or its Committees, consider making a presentation, also called a deputation.

To make a presentation, submit your request at least eight business days before the meeting, as per the Council and Committees schedule. You’ll receive confirmation and details of your speaking slot within five business days of your request.

For more detailed information, visit https://www.mississauga.ca/council 


If you’re interested in posing a question to Council regarding an item on the agenda, here’s how to do that:

Advance registration is required to participate and/or to make comments in the public meeting. Any member of the public interested in speaking to an item listed on the agenda must register by calling 905-615-3200 ext. 3831 or by emailing stephanie.smith@mississauga.ca 24 hours in advance of the Council Meeting. Please note, there is a 15-minute limit for question period.

Council may grant permission to a member of the public to ask a question of Council, with the following provisions:

  • Questions may be submitted to the Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
  • A person is limited to two questions and must pertain specific item on the current agenda and the speaker will state which item the question is related to.
  • The total speaking time shall be 5 minutes maximum, per speaker, unless extended by the Mayor or Chair.
  • Any response not provided at the meeting will be provided in the format of a written response.

Get Involved

We encourage all individuals to participate in our city Council meetings, either by delivering a deputation or posing a question. For a positive experience, we kindly ask that you submit your requests in advance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

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