Distracted Driving

Traffic Calming & Carelessness

Traffic calming is an important part of making our roads safer and neighborhoods more peaceful. One aim of traffic calming is to reduce speeding. Two primary forms of speeding need to be addressed: careless and reckless speeding. Our City’s traffic calming team is focusing on engineering solutions to combat careless speeding, offering cost-effective strategies proven to encourage responsible driving.

Heatherleigh Avenue
Heatherleigh will have additional traffic calming.

Careless vs. Reckless Speeding

  • Careless Speeding: Unintentionally exceeding the speed limit, often due to road conditions or distraction.
  • Reckless Speeding: Deliberate high-speed driving in disregard of the law and safety.

Both careless and reckless speeding are dangerous and are being addressed through engineering (road design), education and enforcement. This article deals primarily with measures that the City is taking to address careless speeding.

Painting Centre and Edge Lines

Centre lines and edge lines help address careless speeding by visually narrowing the driving lanes on city street.  Drivers instinctively slow down when a lane appears narrower.

You might not have considered it before, but many of our neighbourhood streets do not currently have centre lines. Centre lines encourage people to not drive down the centre of street. Most people like to stay on the right side of the road.  By not travelling down the middle, drivers are closer to the side curb or parked cars, and so, slow down accordingly.

Edge lines visually reduce the size of driving lanes. The edge lines on our city’s neighbourhood streets can look like bike lanes, but they are not.  You will notice that they are not marked with a bike symbol and, unlike a bike lane, the lines curl to the curb at intersections. Furthermore, unless otherwise indicated or prohibited by law, areas with edge lines can be used for parking — again, unlike bike lanes.

Studies show that adding centre and edge lines can reduce vehicle speeds up to 5 to 10% given the way they visually narrow lanes and encourage lane discipline.

Centre Bollards

Centre bollards are vertical hazard posts placed on the centre line of streets — typically at or near intersections. The lane narrowing effect they have leads most drivers to slow down. This traffic safety measure has been shown to reduces speeds at critical junctions by up to 10%. Slower speeds at intersections has the added benefit of increasing the number of drivers who come to a full stop at a stop sign.

Speed Cushions (aka speed humps)

Speed cushions are elongated, gradual humps designed to slow vehicles down without causing discomfort. Unlike parking-lot speed bumps, these cushions are wide enough to allow emergency vehicles to pass without hindrance, effectively curbing both careless and reckless speeding. Research indicates that speed cushions can reduce speeds by an average of 18-25%, making them a highly effective traffic calming measure.

Affordable, Effective Measures

The three traffic calming techniques – painting lines, installing bollards, and adding speed cushions — are not only versatile but also economical. This cost efficiency enables broader application across our streets.

Residents interested in traffic calming for their area are welcome to contact our office. Together, we can create a safer and more enjoyable environment for everyone in the Ward.

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